Deanna Schafer

Deanna Schafer, City Manager
City Manager/City Recorder
Phone Number
(541) 271-3603
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

As  of December 15th, 2020 Deanna became the new City Manager for Reedsport.  She has been a member of the community since 1992 and an employee of the City of Reedsport since 2004.  Deanna has served as an officer of the City as the City Recorder/Administrative Assistant to the City Manager since 2006.  During those years she served under six City Managers and three Mayors.  Prior to being hired as the City Manager she served two six month terms as Interim City Manager.

Deanna would like to assure you that she will do her best to serve the citizens of Reedsport during her time here.  She knows that she can’t work miracles but she will strive to continue moving Reedsport in a positive direction.  These are very trying times however, and Deanna believes that the citizens of Reedsport have the resiliency to bounce back.  Deanna is continuing to work on securing a multi-million dollar grant written by previous City Manager Jonathan Wright from FEMA that will correct deficiencies to the downtown levee system so that we can continue to be safe and to make the area attractive to future investment.  Deanna is also working on submitting several other grants to help leverage citizen tax dollars to address the City's aging infrastructure.  She will continue to work with investors and other agencies to attract new business to Reedsport and retain the businesses we currently have. 

Deanna's office door is always open (well, mostly) and she welcome citizens’ questions, concerns and suggestions. 

Read: Interim City Manager of Reedsport Steps into Her New Role (2020)