FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

I saw a dog on your web page and am interested in seeing them. Can I just come down to the shelter?

You can come down, but there may not be anyone to let you in. The dogs in the front are normally the ones up for adoption. You will need to make an appointment. The staff will make every effort to accommodate your schedule. Appointments need to be made during daylight hours. You can call 541-662-2062 and leave a message or you can call the Reedsport Police Department at 541-271-2100.

What do you require to adopt a dog?

We ask that an application be filled out and returned. We do not deliver dogs, except under extreme circumstances. We ask for a donation. Donations are determined by differing factors such as how much was put into the dog, their age, if they are spayed/neutered by us, ect. We very rarely break even. Some dogs that come in are very sick and need a lot of care and medicine. Since there are times we can never recoup those costs, we try and average them out. The majority of dogs range from $50.00-$150.00. 100% of these funds go back into the shelter. See the bottom of the page for the online application form.

What are your hours?

We do not have set hours. The Reedsport K9 Shelter has an all volunteer staff. You can call the Reedsport Police Department 24 hours a day for general information, or to leave a message for the shelter manager. 

I saw my dog on the impound page. What do I do now?

You will need to get in touch with the Reedsport Police Department as soon as you see your dog. After 3 days, the dog can be put up for adoption. If you are out of town, arrangements can be made, but you will still be paying the per day fee until the dog is picked up. There will be an impound fee, the per day fee, and any citations that were incurred. Dogs are released Monday - Friday 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM. Someone has to be available to release the dog, and you must fill out paperwork to get your dog released, so you need to call first and make arrangements. You must show that the dog has his rabies vaccination and is licensed. If the dog is not vaccinated or licensed, you can be cited. For the safety of your dog, as well as the general public, it is required to have your dog licensed and vaccinated against rabies.

I live on a limited income and can't afford to take my dog to the Vet.

Lower Umpqua Vet has a shot clinic once a month. You can call 541-271-4696 for more information. There are no exceptions for not having your dog vaccinated and licensed. You are required to show proof of the vaccination before licensing your dog with Douglas County.

Q) Okay, I've vaccinated my dog against rabies. Where do I go to get the license?

Licensing is done through Douglas County. You can either contact animal control in Roseburg or you can visit the local county annex next to Bank of America.

How much are the fees?

Douglas County has this information on their web page http://dcso.com/ac_licensing.asp.

What about cats?

The City of Reedsport does not have a city ordinance for cats. What this means is that the Shelter does not take cats and cats cannot be cited for running at large. If you have a cat you can't keep, or found a cat you don't want to keep, Saving Grace in Roseburg is the only place you can take them. Coos Bay and Florence will not take our animals. They have a lot of animals in their own area. Saving Grace's web page with all of their information can be found here: http://www.savinggrace.info/

What can I do to help?

There are several ways you can help. The Shelter always needs food, snacks and toys. We also take monetary donations. Volunteers are always needed . The more social interaction the dogs get, the healthier and happier they are.

Okay, you talked me into it! What are the qualifications?

You need to be over 18 years of age, go through a background check and most important of all, love all breeds of dogs. We get all types of dogs that come through. From Mastiffs to Chihuahuas. Some are scared or sick, some have been abused or abandoned and some are just Velcro dogs. They all need a gentle touch and a kind word.