Volunteer Information

fire fighters using tools to fight fire

The Reedsport Volunteer Fire Department is looking for local men and women who have the time and desire to help others in need. With the increasing number of fire and medical alarms, volunteers are needed to help keep the balance by providing quick, professional, fire and medical response.



For men or women who wish to be active firefighter volunteers, the following minimum qualifications must be met.

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Live within the fire district.
  • Have a valid Oregon driver’s license.
  • Have the time to complete basic fire ground operations training.
  • Pass a probationary period.

Applications may be obtained at the main Fire Station, 2680 Frontage Road, in Reedsport, Mon.-Fri., 8:00 am to noon. Applications will be reviewed by the Fire Chief, Department Officers, and our Associations Executive Committee.


The Fire Department is committed to the protection of lives, property, and the environment. Training is essential for firefighters. Being properly trained is vital for the safety of the volunteers and the community. Practice and training is on Monday nights each week. The RVFD will train volunteers to response levels such as entry level basic firefighting before they are allowed to respond to emergencies. Additional advanced training is also available.


Volunteers learn basic first aid and fire suppression knowledge to help protect the community. Members will be issued the necessary protective equipment. They are entitled to Workers Compensation and life insurance. A financial reimbursement is also provided.


Volunteers and their families become part of an extended family of emergency service providers and are included in all activities sanctioned by the Reedsport Volunteer Fire Department.

Sign Up

Volunteers have always been, and continue to be, the heart of the critical response force for the community during any emergency situation. Without them the Fire Department would cease to exist. We want you to join the Reedsport Volunteer Fire Department. We guarantee you will feel special for saving lives and protecting your neighbor’s property. Feel free to stop by the station, take a tour, talk to a firefighter, or observe a Monday night drill. Don’t forget to pick up an application. You’ll be glad you did.